Newt Pond Project
We're working with Natural England to restore and create pond habitats in a new, strategic, landscape level approach to compensating for great crested newt habitat lost to development. Funding is available to dig and restore ponds in parts of Essex, Cambs, Herts, Leics and Northants. We are proud to have created and restored over 550 ponds so far in the past four years, thanks to the proactive landowners in these counties.
Marks & Spencer - 'Farming with Nature'
Marks & Spencer's 'Farming with Nature' programme is a collaborative approach to help its Select Farm Growers become more resilient to the biggest environmental challenges they face – spanning climate change, biodiversity, soil health, and water usage. We're working with Marks & Spencer to deliver expert training, events and advice to facilitate this.
Alconbury Brook Natural Flood Management Project
We're helping to improve water quality and reduce the downstream flood risk in the Alconbury Brook catchment in Huntingdonshire, working alongside farmers and the EA to deliver on-farm habitat enhancements and creation projects. These include online and offline pond creation, leaky dam installation, woodland improvement and re-meandering watercourses.
Thames Water Catchment Project
We’re delivering the Thames Water Catchment Fund - working with farmers across the Lee catchment to improve and protect water quality in the Beane, Rib & Quin, Ash, Stort, Pincey Brook, Cobbins Brook and Lower Lee. The funding helps farmers make infrastructural changes, equipment purchases and undertake land management options. If you farm in any of these catchments, please do contact Emily Stacey, Project Manager at FWAG East to find out more.
Affinity Water Cover Crop Trials
We’ve been delivering cover crop trails with Affinity Water in North Herts for more than 6 years. The trials aim to demonstrate the ability of cover crops to reduce the amount of nitrate leached to groundwater as well as the other benefits of growing multi species covers over winter. The project involves soil and water analysis as well as biodiversity sampling and events to promote cover crops and other regenerative farming methods.
Affinity Water River Beane Cluster
We are working in partnership with Affinity Water to run a farmer-led cluster group in the river Beane catchment. Events and training are guided by what members want to learn about or achieve in their catchment. If you farm within the Beane catchment and would like to be involved, please do get in contact with the team.